Domino-X is a common project with 11 partners trying to build the best system architecture for future Earth Observation Ground Segments.

The Ground Segment is key in the value chain of producing satellite imagery at a time when data is processed by petabytes. Associated costs and complexity are steadily increasing.

The Domino-X Consortium is working on system architectures with stable and public breakdowns and interfaces, at the right level of granularity, with low coupling between building blocks, enabling the development of an ecosystem of component providers. Our team will also be able to propose offers with Public Cloud and Ground Station as a Service. We have also in mind to reduce operating costs of Earth Observation systems via both advanced concepts of operations, considering human factors, and more automated Image Quality. As engineers, we are also gaining maturity on new functional bricks, in particular Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning and Federation Layer.
Future Earth Observation Ground Segment systems will have to deal with satellite constellations & heterogeneous
systems, including external imagery vendors. They will serve more than 1 mission as they will be embedded in solutions for both commercial & institutional programs.
Our key drivers for future Earth Observation Ground Segments are:
- To reduce the overall system cost, associated risks, and planning, from development to operations, to have a ready-to-bid offer
- To develop the capabilities of the system through innovation and automation to catch up “state of the art” technology
- To ease system maintenance and evolutions by giving a reference architecture framework for Earth Observation GS
- To increase the system reactivity, by reducing the time between the End User request deposit and the product availability for download
- To monitor & control operations
- To provide the best user experience